First of all, from, rest assured that we will not share, sell, or rent your personal data with any third party without your prior permission.

Privacy Policy

Last updated: August 06, 2024

We are very responsible for safeguarding your privacy. That’s why we do not publish, sell or rent any personal data or information to any third party without your authorization.

For more clarity on how we use and protect your personal information, please go through our privacy policy thoroughly!

Any further changes in future will be posted both here and there. Please check back often.

This Privacy Policy is only intended for the Agreement in general with respect to the parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, or joint venture websites and the services available under the domain and sub-domains of Touch Techie.

By visiting the site, you accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with them, please do not use or access our website. When the Customer accepts the registration, the Customer is deemed to have granted unqualified consent for us to process and share personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy as specified in the Terms of Service Agreement.

This Privacy Policy is effective upon acceptance during registration for all users. During the course of registering for and availing various services we offer from time to time through our website (Website, SMS and WAP) or any other Media medium in which makes its services available you may be required to give your name, residence address, e-mail address and other Personal Information.

The type of information we will collect about you includes:

Automatic collection of information

When you visit the Website, our servers automatically record information that your browser sends. Such information may include the Internet Protocol address of your device, type and version of the browser, type and version of the operating system of your device, language preferences, or the webpage visited by your device before our webpage. It tracks the pages of the website that you visit; the time spent on those pages; the information you search for on the website; access times and dates; and other statistics.

Collection of personal information

It means that you may visit the Website without any indication of who you are or revealing any information by which one can identify you as an individual. However, should you choose to register or sign up for membership on the Site or use some of the features of the Website, you will be asked to provide certain Personal Information (such as your name and e-mail address).

We receive and store any information that you knowingly provide to us when you create an account or publish some content or fill any online form on the Website. Required information may include your email address, but not limited to, your name, phone number, address, and any other kind of personal information. You may choose not to disclose some personal information; in that case, you will not be able to use some of the Website features. If there are doubts about what information is required, users may contact us using the contact us page.

Managing personal information

You may access, change, delete, or update some of the Personal Information about you. The information that you can view, update, delete will change along with changes to the website or the services. We will retain a copy in our records of the unrevised information that you have posted; however, when you update the information, some of that information might be retained in our private records. Some of the information shall remain in the private records even after removal by you from the account.

We may retain and use your Personal Information to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes, and to enforce our agreements. We may use any aggregated data derived from or incorporating your Personal Information after you update or delete the information, but not in a manner that would identify you personally. Personal Information shall be deleted after the retention period expires. It is no longer permitted by law to enforce these rights of access, erasure, rectification, or data portability after the expiry of the retention period.

Use and processing of collected information.

We may collect any of the information to personalize your experience, improve our website, send newsletters, send notification emails such as password reminders, updates, etc.

Running and operating our Website and Services entail the use of the information. Information collected automatically is used solely to identify potential cases of abuse and establish statistical information regarding usage of the Website. Such statistical information is not otherwise aggregated in any such way that would identify any particular user of the system.

We may process Personal Information related to you if one of the following applies:

(i) You have given your consent for one or more specific purposes. Note, in some jurisdictions, such processing of information may be permissible until such a time when you object to processing (opt-out), without the need to rely on consent or any of the following legal bases below:

This, however, does not apply whenever the processing of Personal Information is based on the European data protection law.

(ii) Provision of information is necessary for the performance of an agreement with you and/or for any pre-contractual obligations thereof.

(iii) Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which you are subject.

iv. Processing is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us.

(v) Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party.

Anyway, we are prepared to clarify the exact legal grounds pursuant to which the processing is carried out, in particular on whether the provision of Personal Information is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to conclude a contract. Information transfer and storage

Information transfer and storage

Data transfers may involve the storing or processing of information in a country other than your own.

You have the right to know the legal basis on which your information is being transferred to a country outside the European Union, to any international organization under public international law, or covered by its information protection set up by two or more countries, for example, UN, and about the safeguards taken by us to protect your information.

If a transfer is made, you can refer to more details either by checking relevant parts of this document or ask for explanations from the contact information in the contact section.

The rights of users

In some circumstances, you have the following rights in respect of your processed information by us:

(i) You have the right to withdraw your consent if you have ever given it for the processing of your information.

(ii) The right to object to the processing of your information when processing is carried out in a manner that is based on a different basis than consent.

(iii) you have the right to know if we process information, obtain disclosure about certain aspects of the processing, and obtain a copy of the information going through processing.

(iv) you have the right to verify the accuracy of your information and ask for it to be updated or corrected.

(v) You have the intrinsic right for the processing of your data to be limited in accordance with certain terms, and during such a term, we will stop processing the information for any purpose, except for its storage.

(vi) you have the right, under certain circumstances, to obtain the erasure of your Personal Information from us.

(vii) receive the information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and, if technically feasible, let the data subject’s information be communicated to another controller without hindrance. This provision shall apply provided that the information in question is processed in an automated way and processing is based on the contract of which you are a party or on pre-contractual obligations thereof, or processing is based on consent.

The right to object to processing

Where there is processing of Personal Information to be carried out for the public interest, or in the exercise of official authority vested in our company, or for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company, you may object to such processing upon the statement of a ground related to your particular situation. Please be informed, though, that in case of direct marketing, processing of your personal data is conducted at the same time when it is impossible without giving reasons. Certain parts of this document will point out to you whether we are processing Personal Information for direct marketing.

How to exercise these rights

The Users may exercise their rights by directing a request to the Owner through the contact details provided in this document. Requests are to be exercised free of charge and by the Owner as early as possible.

Data Retention and Deletion

We keep your personal data for as long as we need to provide the service or until you ask us not to keep your data.

In case you do not want us to use the information anymore, then you can request us through email on We will further proceed with your request and respond with a mail confirming your request. Please note that certain information will be retained by us whenever required for the execution of our legal obligations or to be made for our legitimate interests, such as fraud detection, prevention, and enhancing safety.

Withdrawing Consent

You have the right to take this consent and your e-mail back anytime you want, and in such a case, you can mail us for the same. We will consider your request and ask for identification if necessary.

In case you post your verification, we will thereby withdraw our consent for the request made by you and stop further processing of your personal information.

Mobile Privacy

We may enable access to the Sites and use of the Application, Services, and Tools from your mobile device through a mobile application or mobile-optimized website.

These terms of the Privacy Policy apply to all such mobile access and use of mobile devices. This privacy policy shall extend to and be applicable to all such mobile applications or mobile-optimized sites.

Children’s Privacy

We do realize the need to provide further privacy protection in regard to Personal Information that may be collected from children and take many special precautions to ensure children’s privacy is safeguarded. We do not require any Personal Information from children at any time.

We encourage children to consult with their parents before submitting any information to any Website.

We feel parents should be fully engaged in the online activities of their children and suggest every possible effort be made from their side to ensure that their children are facilitated with a safe, secure, and friendly online environment.

Your Privacy – Our Commitment

Using its website, you can feel very safe using Touch Techie because it takes great pride in caring for your privacy. We appreciate the confidence you have in us and will strive to win your trust through the services being sought by you so that you may not only use them in a proactive manner but also tell your friends and family about us. Please read these privacy policies in order to know how your personal information will be treated as you make full use of our Site.


This site uses “cookies” to help in the personalization of your online experience. A cookie is a piece of information that is stored on the hard drive of the user by a web server and is in no way capable of executing programs or delivering viruses to the user’s computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can be read only by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. We may use cookies to collect information about your use of the Service and store your online preferences. We use this information for statistical purposes to operate our Website and Services.

You can always accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers accept cookies automatically, but usually, a modification of the browser setting accepts or declines cookies upon your preference. Read more on cookies and how to manage them at

Privacy Guarantee

We promise not to sell, rent, share, or publish your personal information with any third party for marketing purposes without your express consent. We hold the trust and confidence you have in us in the highest regard. Personal Information will be shared only under one or more of the following circumstances:

(a) If we have your consent or deemed consent to do so.

(b) If we are compelled by law (including court orders) to do so. Touch Techie allows you to edit account information and your preferences at any time. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.

While we seek to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. You agree and understand that, in light of the very nature of our business, under no circumstances shall we be held liable for theft, loss, modification, or misuse of personal or other information or Content, including but not limited to information submitted to or gathered by us, being provided to third parties or other users under the normal course of business.

Do Not Track signals.

Some browsers offer a Do Not Track feature that sends signals to the websites you visit with a message that you do not want to have your activity tracked. Collection and use of information is different from tracking activity in connection with a website. For these purposes, tracking refers to the collection of personally identifiable information from consumers who use or visit a website or online service as they move across different websites over time. Our website does not track visitors over time and across third-party websites.

Some third-party sites, however, may track activities of your browsing when they are serving you with content to be able to tailor what they will present to you.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us: